Monday, August 6, 2007

This is a test post

At Manduhai Park in Hohhot--our favorite place to hang out!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to get to my blog and can't even see it--everything else has been in Chinese. So like I said, it's a test. More to follow.

Please email me to let me know if you see this post. If it comes through, I just won't worry about not being able to see it. Thanks!


meg said...

Both your posts, your test and the one about your flights, came through. Keep 'em coming!

Jennifershmoo said...

Woo hoo, you're coming in loud and clear! :-)

Belinda Starkie said...

Well, Meg and Jennifer got to you first! I have been unable to use the orginal comment identification, so I've taken 1 hour to create a different account. (hotmail was a pain, so went to gmail)

So, I agree with Meg. I have all the photos and great text.

When you called the on my Friday afternoon, it was 6:30 am your time and you all were to find this park. Fabulous. It's fabulous. Thanks goodness.

Unknown said...

Yes! We can see it!