Friday, July 27, 2007

The Last Sushi Dinner

The best antidote to rising anxiety about random things one can't possibly control is to drown oneself in beer and all-you-can-eat sushi with the aunts, uncles, and cousins. We took the kids to the Vancouver Aquarium yesterday with the Olins and the Carlsons (in order from the left going clockwise: Kathy, Dave, Me, Samuel, Grace, Nicole, Baillie, Chris, Kenny, Dave, Tom, and Emily) and then ate more sushi than you would believe possible at Tanpopo. I particularly liked the idea of eating lots of raw fish, knowing that once we get to Hohhot we'll have to wash, peel, and cook something as simple as an apple in order to eat it.

We've been hearing some interesting dispatches from Hohhot, such as the foreign experts (yes, that is what they call Dave) will have a brand new building next year, to replace the one that has been used for a very very long time. Many colorful images come to mind as I imagine our new-old-home-to-be. Internet continues to be an issue, I guess, as there is alot of paperwork involved in getting it, and certain restrictions in using it. For the moment, we are just hoping that Dave will be able to finish his on-line class, and that I'll be able to continue to post. I feel kind of silly when I start worrying about internet access. I mean, not too far in the distant past that would have been the least of a person's worries.


Unknown said...

I was wondering if you would go there for sushi or if you'd have time.

It'll all work out.(:

Belinda Starkie said...

I wish you all the very best...a great experience for each one of you. Love, Mom

KO said...

That was great sushi and thanks to Dave C. for arriving early to order a HUGE first order. By the fourth order we were fairly full! Have a great time, and we can't wait to hear about your experiences.

Philip Minehan said...

All settled in?