Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finally Off and Out of Range

The camera is packed so no picture, although the bags all over the living room floor, gorged with books, drugs, and clothes (and a couple stuffed animals), are certainly worthy of being memorialized on "film". We leave tomorrow for Bellingham and a little downtime with Grandpa and Grandma and the many cousins, aunts, and uncles. We can't wait. I don't know that I'll post while there, and then there is a little problem with getting internet on Dave's computer in Hohhot. Apparently it needs some kind of card to get the www. I'll write as soon as we're established.

Took the laundry line down and stored it in the basement. I guess we're really going to leave--amazing.


Belinda Starkie said...

If you do have a chance to check this or your email, please give us a way to contact you. Phone number, snailmail address and whether global priority, express, whatever....I hope you got G'ma Grace's card before you left. Love you all very much. Mom

Belinda Starkie said...

Should you have access to internet: Send us an address, snailmail address and whether global priority, express, dhl, whatever.

I hope you received G'Ma Grace's card before you left.

Love you all so very much,

Belinda Starkie said...

oops, didn't realize the first message made it. I had do enter my password several times before it took.

Unknown said...


So exciting. I love your other posts. That is an amazing amount of drugs you've got there.

Have fun in Bellingham!

Gail said...

Glad you're on your way and hope the time with family is fun and relaxing. I'm a little sad we didn't have time for one last play date, but there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Love your blog - the mental picture of Fluffy following the skunk made me laugh.

You can e-mail me at CBC or use gataff@verizon.net, which I check more often.

Jennifershmoo said...

Good luck and have a great journey!! What a big adventure! Hope you can sort out the internet access and keep us all up-to-date in the coming months. :-)