Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shopping in the Muslim Quarter

We have found the Muslim Quarter in Hohhot and it is an amazing place. Today we visited the gigantic market next to the Great Mosque. You can buy anything and everything; bargaining is expected but I'm not too good at that yet. I'm sure when I find something I really want (like that leather coat??) I'll figure it out. Here are some pictures:

The Great Mosque (minaret in the background)

Baked goods

Blankets, wicker store next door (think Pier 1 Imports, but infinitely cheaper)--too bad most of it won't fit in my suitcase.

The green things are dried kiwis!

Awash in everything you ever thought you'd need or didn't--Samuel playing the goof ball.

Kitchen stuff--it's overwhelming trying to find anything. And of course, the pie pan or 8 x 8 pan that I can live without, but wouldn't mind stumbling across, don't exist here.

After a long afternoon of shopping, time to find the bikes and take our pumpkin buns and wicker coasters home.

1 comment:

Jennifershmoo said...

Wow, all those bicycles! I wish that's how all the parking lots looked around here...